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lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

The apple of my eyes

  The expression “the apple of my eyes” is used when you want to express that the person you are referring to is a very important person to you and someone special to you. That expression also exists in Spanish but instead of using “apple” we say “girl”; the translation would be “the girl of my eyes”, meaning “la niña de mis ojos”. 
  The expression “the apple of my eyes” is an old idiom and is first mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Psalms chapter 17, verse 8, and in other verses too, talking of guarding the apple of my eye.You care that person because that person is important to you as well as that apple refers to. As I have read, in those days the apple of the eye was actually referring to the pupil / cornea part of the eye.
  Sight is always considered a precious thing and during that time was no exception. So the same way you would go to all lengths to protect and guard your eyesight is the same way you would protect and love someone you care about.

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