We hope you can find interesting our opinions about food all over the world. We also have some recipes that may be useful for everybody! Come in and Enjoy ;)
We all know that the third season is called autumn but it is also known as “fall”. Does is has to do with food? It actually does. The seasons turn around the food, that is, each season implies a proper time to sow the seeds, to let them grow and finally to rip the fruits that they give. Being spring almost the most appropriate season to sow and the summer the time when what we sowed grows, the autumn is the time when the fruits fall from their respective trees. The season we call fall was once referred to simply as ”harvest” to reflect the time when farmers gathered theircropsfor winter storage, roughly between August and November.The word harvestcomes from the Old Norse word haust meaning “to gather or pluck." Astronomically, the season lasts from the end of the September until December, between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. So as we can see, what “falls” are referred to the fruits, as well as the leaves of the trees for example.
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