Maybe it sounds strange but most of the times we can know how a person is by observating his or her way of eating.
When a person does not give up eating something that is no good for his/her health, we can suspect that the person has an impulsive personality and sometimes he /she cannot control himself or herself.
If you see somebody who fill the spoon till its limit, that person is posesive and most of the times it is a person with a strong personality. I am sure that all of us know a person who is very fussy by the time of eat and always have some kind of accomplishment with food or has to took any ingredient out of the dish. Well, it is a symptom of a vanid person who has always to have the reason when disputing and very controller with his/her couple.
The last one that I am going to explain is when a person is usually shy or nervous, that type of people eats with only a bit of food in his/her spoon.
I believe that although not by using words, food is a kind of language which show the main charasteristics of a personality and even sometimes can show the intentions that somebody has with you when you first meet that person..for example when somebody invites you to a coffee that person wants to have an intimate talk to you, probably about your life or problems...so after that think about what I have written here and know people a little bit more !
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