Parents are always worried about the good health of their children by eating vegetables, fruits... or what is more relevant in Spain by doing the “Mediterranean Diet”, but what about alcoholic drinks? Are they concerned about their children's habits outside home?
Nowadays alcohol is widely used by young people even younger than previous years. Teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. From my point of view this is a serious problem that we have to think about and we must try to stop it. It’s difficult to prevent teenagers from experimenting with alcohol, but parents can encourage sensible drinking habits and also it is important to be aware of the laws about serving alcohol to minors. Most parents believe alcohol is less dangerous than other drugs, but this is not true. Alcohol is as bad as other kind of drugs. Young people are more likely to take risks when drinking. Alcohol is a factor to take risky situations even drinking alcohol can affected how the brain develops in early ages so that this prevents the brain from working properly.
We all know that adolescence is typically a time of experimentation but we have to think about the enjoyment of our parents’ time and see that there are other ways to enjoy with friends and not making the famous “Binge Drinking” that is the term commonly used to describe drinking heavily over a short period of time with the intention of becoming intoxicated or what it is the same the “nowadays enjoyment of teenagers” that also can carry out drink driving and unsafe sex.
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